Totoral Films & Media Lab


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TotoralFilms & Media Lab is Company located in Valparaiso. It is dedicated to audiovisual and transmedia production, specialized in documentaries (unitary and TV series), interactive prototypes and immersive experiences (virtual reality and augmented reality). Some works of our company are «The eco of the bike» (Italy, 2005. Audience Award in Documentary in Europe 2006) and «Three steps for the return (Spain, 2007) by Pepe Rovano. Our company works in the creation and development of new technological platforms for the development of interactive prototypes that integrate videogames, multimedia interface and virtual reality with social and human rights themes.

Our next projects are: Rocas (interactive documentary), Black Demon Team (videogame -docugame), Bastard.The legacy of a criminal. (Documentary).In these years our production company has participated in important audiovisual markets, integrating the Chilean mission, and where we have opened new ways for international coproduction of our projects, especiallywith Italy and Brazil.


Documentary projects involving human rights, dissidence, women, indigenous peoples and environment. Development of interactive prototypes at Latin American level. International co-production.


Development and production of feature films and documentary series. Research and development of mixed reality prototypes (AR, VR, XR). Film recording equipment rental (camera DF and sound) and 360° (360° camera, 360 sound, 360 content editing service).


Name of the project:
Bastard. The legacy of a criminal.

Pepe grew up without a father, and while working in human rights documentary filmmaking, he discovered that his biological father was a convicted genocide in Chile. And that he was dying. Pepe, decided to get to know him, moves to Viña del Mar to live closer. Before his father dies he finds out Pepe is gay and excludes him, again, from the family. During this process, Pepe starts to meet the children of his victims and decides to unite for their struggle, along with other children of Human Rights Violators who fight for memory, truth and justice.


  • Pepe

